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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Progress during our 2018-2019 work in the Philippines.

In October we implemented the first phase of the collections system ATC and so far it has been fairly successful.  We have received many responses from customers once they received the automated email from ATC and we have been able to close many accounts through final payments and return of unsold bracelets.  We will be working on an education series of emails to send to new customers to try to remove any questions they may have on how Threads of Hope fundraisers work and what they can do to maximize their success with their fundraising efforts.  The implementation of ATC and changes to some of our procedures starting last summer has seen significant benefits regarding the closing of accounts and receipt of more funds for the ministry.

In January of this year we implemented a change to our attendance policy at the church.  We removed the requirement for bracelet makers to sign in and sign out every Sunday and Wednesday night.  We moved the responsibility for “members” to the 23 leaders that we have.  They now keep track of their bracelet makers and report to us any changes that may cause someone to be removed.  At this time we are not adding anyone to the list unless there is a serious need.

Jim had a series of events this Spring that was fairly serious but thank God for friends who are doctors and good medical opportunities in Manila, everything was resolved.  He had tachycardia in April and went to see a cardiologist.  After reviewing Jim’s 2D-echogram the cardiologist set Jim up an appointment with another cardiologist in Manila at St. Luke’s Hospital (probably the best hospital in the country) for an angiogram (viewing my arteries around his heart).  He discovered a 90% blockage in the LAD (widow-maker) artery and performed an angioplasty to open the artery up.  Jim is doing great now physically and mentally regarding his heart.  Please pray for both of us to have continued good health this summer and when they return to the Philippines.

More info about the summer is in our next post.

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